12 Hanging Plants Inspiration for a Greener Space

When it comes to displaying plants, I love the whole concept of letting them hang, whether it's from the ceiling or by windows or on the walls. It just makes a space extra beautiful and greener in a different way.  And don't you just swoon over those unique hanging planters and macrame plant hangers? Love the thought of using unique bottles for my water plants, too! And baskets as plant hangers ~ how cool do they look?

Hanging plants is something that I cannot do in our apartment at the moment because we are not allowed to drill holes from any place or any room of our unit.  I once tried to hang our English Ivy (which sadly didn't make it, but that's another story) using an adhesive hook attached to the wall but it wasn't strong enough to hold the plant because where we live, the walls absorb moist especially on rainy days. For now, the closest I can get to hanging plants is to get some vining greens and let them hover from a cabinet top, a shelf, or a rack.

Or I can install a really big block of wood against one of the walls, and then I'll be free to drill holes and fill the entire space with wall hangings to my heart's content. Well, that is an upcoming project I believe, and I'm going to convince my hubby to help me execute this brilliant plan, but meantime, I'm saving all the hanging plant inspirations I can find, and here are a few of my favorites:

On the Wall

Floating box plant shelves

Photos:   MyKukun | PinterestPinterest |

By the Window

hanging planters by the window
Hanging clay pots
Watering hanging plants
Photos: Pinterest | Design Sponge | New Darlings

From the Ceiling

greengirldaily hanging plants inspo 2

Photos: linahuring.com  | ABrittann |  Herz&Blut

Other Ways to Hang Plants

greengirldaily hanging plants inspo 1

hanging plants at Wildernis Amsterdam
Photos: Apartment Therapy | Design Sponge |  Wildernis Amsterdam 

Do you have hanging plants at home? Where do you put your hanging plants and how do you hang your greens in your home? Would love to know!

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